這次趁放假回家下載了2K12來玩 , 這款令人滿心期待的大作 , 雖然現在NBA還是封館中但是應該無損這遊戲的歡迎程度 , 這次2K12主打傳奇球星的生涯比賽 , 所以開頭動畫出現了許多早年代傳奇球星 , 所以這次的遊戲封面有三個版本 , 下面在附上其他兩個版本的封面和密技~~
Larry Bird的版本
廢話不多說 , 馬上送上遊戲的密技Codes
首先在主選單選擇"Features"這個選項 , 再來輸入以下的密碼(Cheats & codes)
2K Sports team
Enter "2ksports" as a code to unlock the 2K Sports team.
2K Sports China team
Enter "2kchina" as a code to unlock the 2K Sports China team.
NBA 2K development team
Enter "nba2k" as a code to unlock the NBA 2K development team.
Visual Concepts team
Enter "vcteam" as a code to unlock the Visual Concepts team.
Retro Air Jordan shoes
Enter "23" as a code to unlock the Jordan Sneaker Collection.
Bobcats NASCAR Racing uniform
Enter "agsntrccai" as a code to unlock the Bobcats NASCAR Racing uniform.
Cavaliers Cavfanatic uniform
Enter "aifnaatccv" as a code to unlock the Cavaliers Cavfanatic uniform.
Hardwood Classics Nights uniforms
Enter "wasshcicsl" as a code to unlock the Blazers, Cavaliers, Jazz, Magic, Raptors, Timberwolves, and Warriors Hardwood Classics Nights uniforms.
Hornets Mardi Gras uniform
Enter "asrdirmga" as a code to unlock the Hornets Mardi Gras uniform.
Secondary road uniforms
Enter "eydonscar" as a code to unlock the Grizzlies, Hawks, Mavericks, and Rockets secondary road uniforms.
St. Patrick's Day uniforms
Enter "riiasgerh" as a code to unlock the Bulls, Celtics, Knicks, and Raptors St. Patrick's Day uniforms.
Trailblazers "Rip City" uniform
Enter "ycprtii" as a code to unlock the Trailblazers "Rip City" uniform.
ABA ball
Enter "payrespect" as a code to unlock the ABA ball.