2011年1月4日 星期二

[Music] "得閒炒飯"主題曲 , 李安琪 - You're the One

導  演:許鞍華
演  員:吳君如、周慧敏、張兆輝、陳偉霆、萬綺雯、谷祖琳

前陣子看了許鞍華導演的"得閒炒飯"這部電影 , 但是老實說會看純粹是因為周慧敏的關係 , 因為小時候是電視兒童所以常常在港片中看到她 , 覺得她眼睛大大的又很漂亮 , 已經很久沒有她的消息了 , 沒想到她復出之後拍了這部電影 , 好奇心驅使就看看了 , 其實還是看得出來有點歲月的痕跡不過還是無損她的美麗 , 再來就是另一位"女主角吳君如" , 每次看到她我就會想到她早期拍港片的造型....她才真的是變化最多的....另外這部電影也可以還可以看到萬綺雯 , 我對她印象最深刻的就是她演的我和殭屍有個約會的馬小玲 , 至於這部電影的題材所呈現的社會問題和感情關係也是蠻值得省思的



是不是差很多啊??? 隔壁是黃光亮 呵呵


拍謝離題了....這部片的配樂還不錯 , 尤其是鋼琴的部分 , 而我要分享的是他的主題曲

李安琪 - You're the One

You're the one and only now I see
I should've known before but it's never too late for me
Remember all those momennts from long ago
And now that you are back
I'm never gonna let you go
Let me say let me pray once more
I'm never gonna weep
I love you very deep
Say again tell me now tell me how once more
How could you be that way  how could you live a day away
But i say honestly you're the one.
You gonna stay with me
You gotta stay and see 
Every little thing that counts for you and me
You gotta say
I gotta say
Without you I don't know how to live.

You're the one and only now I see
I should've known before but it's never too late to be
Without you I have nowhere else to run
Now I realize we're like the moon and sun
Now I realize that all along You're the one



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